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as much as i love the game and all but is it still running? or it stopped, no offenses just stating if is it still going or being bamboozle by the updates but like im trying to make it sounds like the dev be faking it either. im just kinda concern a little thats all.


I like this vn very much, and the style of painting especially likes the production team to cheer.


hope ur doing well love ur work


oooh the only kinetic visual novel I've played was Lyre, might give this a shot too

(1 edit) (+2)

i, like so many others, have constantly screamed 'just tell him already!' at my computer screen, but i also remember being 17 & 18 and having similar all-consuming amounts of risk-aversion behaviour. i appreciate how the art direction and writing portrays most of the characters as actual teenagers, much like butterfly soup, and not as popular media stereotypes of teenagers.

i think it would provide a little more clarity to state the era that this narrative takes place in on this itch page, the furtive year of 2003, since it is otherwise very easy to assume that it is taking place right now (twenty some-odd years later). the story itself makes the time-period clear with its references to the technology of the time (dial-up, cd games, broadband, monthly cell-phone minutes), but it might save some confusion for readers to also know the setting's year in the novel's description here. thanks and im looking forward to the next updates!


Thank you so much! I'm glad you're enjoying it. This next build is taking way longer to make than expected. Regardless, it'll be ready when it's ready. I will definitely update the page when build 3 drops. (I don't want to scare followers with a non-update ahaa)


we all have lives to live, it happens. these vns are passion projects made by small teams or sometimes just a single person, and i respect the courage it takes to do any of this at all, whatever the pace of development. i am unable to financially support this project, but im cheering you on!


omg Mikey, just tell him.  Great vn so far mate.  Hope there is more on its way


This is a great vn is it ever gonna continue๐Ÿ˜ญ







The two girls on that damn cover photo look exactly like my friends like its crazy๐Ÿ˜ญ


I need to know what happens next ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ

(1 edit) (+3)

Cory needs a hug :(


He's a little bit sad!


It gave me so much emotions and the story from Cory's side is so relatable for me. Mikey is kinda slow, I don't like it. Sometimes I wanted to scream "JUST SAY IT", but he never did. Whatever, I shouldn't expect maturity from a teenager. But I really hope he will say everything he wanted for both Rebecka and Cory, because the situation he is in right now is confusing for people around and himself


man I re read this vn last night on my phone
and I jUST noticed the Weezer poster in Mikey's room


Happy 39th birthday to Mikey today.

I wonder what he's up to these days... I hope we will find out what happened this same week 21 years ago ๐Ÿ˜ฎ


I really loved this story it was really good when is it gonna continue for android


It's taking longer than expected to get this next build put together, but it'll come when it's ready!


Enjoyed this a lot more than I thought I would. Looking forward to see where all these confused teen feelings end up.

Also, I thought it was funny that Cory's sprit reminds me of Ramin Karimloo lol.

(1 edit)

Great now I cannot unsee the image of Cory with his face blended in ๐Ÿ—ฟ๐Ÿ˜”


I didn't know who this was! lol
I can kinda see it


I love the art style, I love the characters, and I love the story! I really hope this project isn't cancelled and I look forward to more updates!


We're still working on it!
It'll be done as soon as possible. This next one is gonna be a big one!

That's amazing to hear! Keep up the awesome work!


The Last update was intense I feel pity and happy at the same time, it makes me scream inside thinking about what will happen in the next update!

Please make a update for android


Android version is build 2

I release android updates the same time as pc updates


I'm loving the game, and am very much looking forward to Wednesday.  I'm hopeful for some mutual floor mopping and synchronised shirt ironing.  Hopefully this will be followed by Mikey hanging with Cory whilst Jordan and Guy finish each other off because 2v2 is better than a three-way.

Thank you so much!

Hopefully they get to have some fun playing Star Tactics together!


I''ve just finished the latest build and I must say I wasn't expecting things to go that way (well, I was kinda hoping to of course)

The story's really bittersweet (in a good way) because of how Mikey views himself and how closeted he is. I can't say I can relate because I was lucky enough to grow up in a really gay friendly environment and live in a country where it's well accepted (never questioned myself about that either, I just am who I am) so Mikey's story hurts a little I must admit, in all honesty I just want him to get out of the closet asaf and get together with Cory (and I sure hope I will get to see that in the future builds of the game !)

It saddens me to see there are still plenty of people who don't/can't accept their sexuality because of external pressure of the way the others might judge them, and I think this game portrays this suffering really well

Keep up with the good work, I'm looking forward to the next update ! 

(also Rachel and Olivia are best girls, even though I anticipate the moment Rachel's gonna learn the truth about Mikey and gonna get hurt in the process, but "unfortunately" you can't decide who you fall in love with or not)

Thanks for the lovely, well thought review!

We all hope the best for Mikey and his friends, but life tends to be a bit messy at times.

I'm glad you're enjoying the VN so far and I hope we can continue to knock it out of the park.

 Thanks for reading!

(13 edits) (+2)

Great update so far I will finish it later TN.

I'm digging the extreme internal conflict and awkwardness right now with Rachel chasing after the mc but your gay feels like my own highschool life lmao... Midwest America vibes.

Keep the updates coming I'm glad this feels rooted in real life. Rachel and Olivia are refreshing characters and very welcomed in a sea of gay vns with all dudes.

Spoiler opinion below.

Edit* I just finished reading and I loved it!

The only thing I'd critique is I wish their was a bit of dialogue or something after the car scene, I understand the conversation is probably coming later but I think more should have been said in that moment. A simple "I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that" or "I don't know why I did that shit I'm sorry" would have felt right. It just felt like something was missing. Also I'm not sure if it was my settings but some of the transitions when the location/scene changed felt jaring, sometimes I expected more text or something leading into the scene ending but it would just cut to the next scene.

Minor critiques I still loved all of it :)

(2 edits) (+2)

well im sure that they'll be talking about it on the next day, i think the lacking of dialogue was fitting cause it happened so fast and out of nowhere that neither could even know what to say so they just remained quiet, I'm sure Cory feels a bit guilty in a way for doing something like that and especially in the moment just doesn't know what to do or say


I just want to say that I LOVE Rachel and Olivia. Rachel is just so endearing while Olivia is a #GirlBoss. I also want to say some spoiler-y stuff that I've hidden below.

It's frustrating Mikey that acted the way he did to Cory's confession, but he is a high schooler living in a time where queer people weren't as accepted as they are today and where the internet was in its infacy. Yeah, he's not going to know what to do, especially in the moment. It's also why I don't mind Cory kissing Mikey that much, even though I would have usually wanted to yell him out in other contexts. For that scene in the car though, I like to imagine that the song playing was this:

I know this song came out in 2004, and the game takes place in 2003, but fuck it, it works really well. But yeah hope things don't get too awkward for Wednesday. Oh, who am I kidding? It's going to be awkward as fuck. But it will be entertaining nonetheless.

Absolutely love the story, I love the writing and art style!! Keep up the great work!!


So good! Honestly makes me want to scream due to that cliffhanger. Can't wait for more! :)


Oh yes! I like where this is going.  I'll be waiting for the next updates. Thank you!


Will this VN be NSFW or soft?



very minor spoiler

Wish someone can talk to Mikey about the whole Cory situation and give him some insight because I physically cringed (not in a  bad way well maybe a little) on what happened before the  mall, I just want to see Mikey and Cory fulfilled with their lives (*cough cough*) together hopefully-. BUT overall this VN has been a very fun and realistic read with its writing. Yall are amazballz  :)


Haha I'm glad you liked it. Thank you so much!

But if Mikey had any actual guidance, there wouldn't be much of a story to tell!




ยฟno tienes nada mas que pertubar la mente humana?

I don't know what that means, I even ran it through a translator.

(1 edit) (+3)

Well, the grammar in not exactly the best. But I think he meant something like "Don't you have anything to do but disturbing the human mind?"

Trust me, spanish is my native languaje, and even I had to read that several times to understand. 


I still don't understand what he means  by saying that What does that mean?!

Don't really know for sure. Maybe some furry hater or something? Whatever, pay it no mind XD


This vn is gonna be so good, can't wait for next update

We'll work on it as fast as we can!


so good

thank you!


Xour writing invokes such strong emotions :) it always puts me on edge (in both a good and a bad way xD) and immerses me in the story completely :p this update was most DEFINITELY worth the wait~ UwU


Thank you so much!
I hope we won't make you wait too long for the next one. haha...


Yo, eymon bro, I am READING.

builds in and this is shaping up into being something amazing good shit man.


True I cannot wait to know what he'll do at school will he talk it out finally if Cory brings it up or will he try to avoid him ๐Ÿ˜ญ


omg thank you so much!
We're gonna make this the best we can

(1 edit) (+12)

Mike you had one job ..... Talk to the damn fox already ๐Ÿ—ฟ was expecting him to be talking while drunk but heck no, man has plot armor on drunk resistance ๐Ÿ˜ญ


He's a quiet drinker lol

Damn him ๐Ÿ—ฟ


Omg they kissed ๐ŸฆŠ๐Ÿฑ๐Ÿ’˜

They did! ๐Ÿ™ˆ


Eymon...i love it! Cant wait for the next updates to come!

Deleted 1 year ago

Yes, but builds for this vn require a lot of assets and time. Very soon, though.


Dear eymon I am loving the content that has been out so far and just wanted to say you guys are amazing and I just know the next build will be good/ looking forward to it โค๏ธ