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(1 edit) (+3)(-1)

 this is a chef kiss vn , the art really compliments the setting and makes an amazing mood and  im a sucker for anticipation and mood making lol, amazing work for a short vn.

i also love how you can kinda tell that kal is more out there sexually and that alfrin is more reserved in that regard.


Dead game still?


I suppose so?
It's a completed project, after all.


Shut up


Didn't expect it to be so short, but I enjoyed it and I think the ending is just the right amount of ambiguous to make it up yourself and be satisfied


I was not expecting it to be quite that short.

Is there going to be more?  What stories lie on the different paths? 


Thanks for reading!

I have plans for more. A lot more. As it stands, though, I can't promise anything any time soon.

I hope you do understand! This whole development thing is quite a bit of work!


I can totally understand that, this sort of project is going to take a lot of effort on top of the demands of day-to-day life.  I'll be looking forward to whatever comes next whenever you have the chance to get it released.

Hello, eymonart. I like your game very much. I translated it into Chinese. Do you need me to send you a Chinese version? You can email me if you need

(2 edits) (+5)

A well-made VN that's more interesting than I would've guessed from the description. And it hit me right in the feels.


All and all, I love your story and worldbuilding Eymon!
You rarely tell, and it gets my stupid mind to figure out how this world works, nice job showing. For such a short VN, you don't add any confusing details, which is an achievement. 

I'll love seeing how you improve your writing in your sequel, keep fighting!

Tysm! I don't want to make any promises, but I hope to release the sequel in August.

that's a good news


Given the fact that you already have done the story from two separate points of view, if you were to make a new installment to expand upon this world, there is a potential of multiple routes that could loop around into each other. Go with Dog, stay and help Dog, then go Cat, then home. Go with Dog, leave Dog for Cat, then home.  Go Cat, then go Dog, then Home. Go Cat, Go Home.  Each choice would impact the intensity or rate of progression, for better or worse, of events.  By the end, assuming all 4 paths chosen, there would be a good deal of more to the world you have made here and it would only set he groundwork for even more.  It would have come full circle enough by then that a third installment may not need to have any of these characters as the main cast, but still acknowledge they exist.  These ideas are not a must, but this seems to be the potential they have.

Thanks for the input!
I've already written the follow up sequence of events; I don't want to make promises, but I hope to have it released in August!




Damn, this was such a good journey. It was sort of intense on my emotions, even though not much physically happened. Really enjoyed this.

Thank you so much for enjoying it! This made my day! ^^

No problem T_T Didn't think you'd read this. 

Are you planning on expanding on this world any more? This story made me super interested.


Is there any news on an update?


Hey, thanks for the interest in this short story! I currently have the first few chapters written for a follow up story, but it takes a long time to get the assets all in order. I don't want make any promises, but I'm aiming for a mid-August release.


Heya! I'ts me, Mayday or TheForestVN on Twitter. 


Ngl when i first opened up the game i thought that there will be no menu music. I know it sounds wrong to think that but i just had a feeling that theres no menu music. When  i started the game i really liked it that you get instantly thrown into the Story. I also really liked that you knew from the beginning who the Main character is in "The Blue Cloth". He is well drawn and you can read his expressions good. (Same goes for every other Character) I also like it that you put a human into the story. Not many vn's have this. 

The Story is well written and i didn't notice a single misspelling. (In my 15 Mins of playtime) You also didnt use the whole time words that were difficult to read. The story was easy to read.

The Backgrounds were also really well drawn. There were no big details. I really liked that, because you can let your mind free thinking what could be there. (Hope you get what i mean)

I also really liked the music. I don't know if you made the music by yourself or got it from the internet but it was well choosen/made. It did fit in perfectly. 

I will give this vn a 90/100.

Its just a 90 because from what i read it's a really short story. I also skipped everything at first by using the skip button and it didnt take long to get to the end.

Everything else was perfect. Ngl i think you would be amazing at making a really long Furry VN. I can also imagine that you could create a really good horror or romance VN. 

You really need to make a longer VN. 

Welp thats everything for now. MayDay is out! 

See ya!

Btw its 2.36am for me...


Thank you for the well thought review! Yes, I did make all the music for the vn. I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)


No Problem. Also if you wanna make a future game i could try and translate everything in german because im from german. 


Loving it so far, cant wait to see where it goes! (Is there a bear in the background of the CG with Kal?) Also btw, it would be useful to have a version number for each update, makes it easier to check if the game has been updated for those who don't keep track of the dev logs


Thank you so much! You're the first person to notice it (or at least mention it), it was a little joke my artist put in. Kind of an easter egg. As for version numbers/etc., as this is a completed short story, this is the final version of it. If this story is continued(it will be), I will update with a version number then. (Or probably make a new page for it.)


Liking this gem in the rough. Have you considered adding an option to either being able to see Nsfw content or to keep it censored in the option menu? Some VN's add it and it works well. That way the player has both options available if they desire to play either way.


Thank you! I haven't considered putting the setting in the option menu. As it stands, I just have the option at the beginning of the game. Moving forward, I'll definitely look into how I'd implement that into the game menu. Thanks for the suggestion!

Glad to be of assistance! :)


I loved it
(1 edit) (+3)

This one was pretty damn good! The worldbuilding was really interesting, the characters, dialogue, and internal conflicts were well done, and I'm excited to see where this goes. The music was also incredible, I loved every track in this game and they all fit the mood they were going for perfectly. Although, I do feel like that last scene we got could use a little bit of a touch up, I feel like Levis was pretty chipper and we don't see much of any internal strife, considering his circumstances. Otherwise, a really solid VN experience that I quite enjoyed!


Thank you so much! This was great to read! To be honest, I think Levis' state of mind was starting to stress me out, which was probably why I chickened out and took Alfrin's point of view at the end. I'm hoping I'm able to do it some justice in the next chapter, though. I'm glad you enjoyed it!

(1 edit) (+1)

would then the sequel of events be from the point of view of Levis or Alfrin ? 

Or it would keep on changing?

Or you'd introduce a new character supposed to represent the player amid everything that we saw happening. Like meeting and joining Alfrin and Kal in a town to go back and rescue/help Levis. 

BTW great worldbuilding and i was really suprised by the abrupt ending, like "things were getting so good why must end here!"

Loved the artstyle.


Good questions! Without jumping the gun and spoiling all the plans I've got, I will say this:

There are no plans to add a player character, but new characters will be introduced. Point of view will continue to change, as these three each have their stories to tell in this grand world.

That you wanted more of the story means I did something right, thank you so much! I'll let the artists know that they did an excellent job.


Looks promising!! can't wait for future updates!!

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed the story!


Will there be Android

Deleted 3 years ago

I just released an android version! Let me know if you run into any problems with it.


Thank you😍🤩


i like this vn but it's really sad it's so short just hoping for it have some update sometime with a more longer story and still a good vn

Thank you so much. I'm glad you enjoyed it!

As for length, due to the limitations of having to make this whole thing in one month, I wasn't able to make it as dense as it could have been.

so you gonna update the game sometime or not?


I'll address that and a few other things tomorrow in a devlog. I'm happy that you're interested in this story!

i'm interest in story when the game have a good potential